Boella & Sorrisi

Azienda Made in Torino Tour The Excellent

Boella & Sorrisi is a family-run artisan company based in Piedmont, specialising in the production of chocolate and bakery products. The products are characterised by high quality, sustainability and production according to traditional recipes with innovative and certified processes.

In the new, modern factory at the foot of the Turin hill, the specialities continue to be produced in accordance with ancient traditions using the most modern machinery. With the aim of preserving tradition and innovation, over time it has become a true green factory, as the energy used to produce comes directly from the roof.


We invite you to a unique experience in the world of chocolate at our factory!

Guided by one of our master chocolatiers, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a fascinating journey from plantation to bar. You will discover the origins of cocoa, its different origins and the long journey it takes from the plantations to our factory.

We will explain how we select the best raw materials to guarantee the quality that sets us apart. You will enter into the heart of production, watching our master chocolatiers at work. You will see how passion and craftsmanship combine with the precision of our techniques to create our products.

We will conclude the visit with a guided tasting. Let yourself be captivated by the flavours of our chocolate, accompanied by explanations from the master chocolatier to capture every nuance.

Boell A1 RidBoell A3 RidBoell A2 RidLogo(31)
Via Poliziano, 54 - 10100, Torino


Tasting on the farm
Guided tours

Visits for groups on request

Min 15 - max 25 persons

Minimum age: 6 years

Languages spoken



Weekly opening
Upon reservation
Upon reservation


Partially accessible visit


Boella & Sorrisi is committed daily to improving the quality of life of its customers by offering them products of absolute excellence and freshness and services of the highest quality.

Acting in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner is a value that the company feels is its own and that has characterised its history from the very beginning.

This Policy was therefore created with the aim of fostering the integration of sustainability in the company's strategy and operations and symbolises the fruit of the company's progressive evolution in the management of social and environmental issues.

The strategy is divided into 5 pillars ‘Customers, People, Environment, Suppliers and Community’ identified as priorities that also represent the main stakeholders whose interests, expectations and needs must be the compass for company decisions.

Our commitments;


Boella & Sorrisi is aware of its role in the lives of consumers and is committed to contributing positively to their eating habits by promoting quality products. 

With a view to continuous improvement of processes, services and products, we are committed to offering consumers safe and quality products, developing innovative recipes and ingredients while respecting traditions.

We are also committed to transparency and listening in our relations with all customers and to continuously improving our ability to meet their needs, offering excellent and customised products and services.

The company is therefore constantly engaged in the reorganisation and innovation of the market offer in order to respect the growing sensitivity of consumers to socio-environmental issues, thus promoting the integration of sustainability criteria in daily choices.


We are aware that people represent the driving force of the company and the channel through which to offer quality services and generate new ideas.

We therefore believe that the ability to attract and retain the best talents is decisive for creating value in the long term, which is why we are committed to enhancing the value of human resources from the selection process to the career path, investing in their well-being and professional development. In particular, we consider the training and updating of employees' skills to be indispensable for success and competitiveness; to this end, we promote continuous learning and training courses aimed at enriching skills and abilities and fostering professional growth, accompanying them in building their future. 

We are also committed to promoting the inclusion and valorisation of diversity, fostering dialogue and collaboration, with the aim of offering all employees a serene and stimulating work environment, in which everyone can feel at ease and dedicate themselves to their work in the best possible conditions.

At the basis of the company's activities, there is also a constant and unwavering commitment to guaranteeing safety at work through the adoption of suitable measures, promoting a culture of risk prevention and management, and involving and sensitising all personnel to active and responsible participation.


We are aware that our production and distribution activities have an impact on the environment, which is why we invest resources to improve our environmental performance.

We therefore make use of sustainable technologies to reduce the risks associated with climate change by powering our production lines with photovoltaics.

We also aim to adopt the highest standards of sustainability and are committed to investigating alternatives for using more sustainable packaging.


We guarantee the quality and safety of the materials we use thanks to a careful and responsible supplier procedure managed with periodic activities of dialogue, support and control, with a particular focus on the use of the fruits of our land and the choice of local suppliers.

Supporting local production is in fact an integral part of our commitment to foster the development of the local economy, enhancing the excellence of our land and promoting the creation of shared value.


We support the economic and social growth of communities by generating job opportunities. We implement actions in the area aimed at enhancing the development and social and cultural wellbeing of communities, through sponsorships, donating food surpluses to local communities and supporting the fight against food waste.

Ethics and responsibility

The company is committed to operating in full compliance with the ethical principles of legality and fairness, honesty and transparency in all relations with subjects involved in company activities, promoting the highest ethical standards and repudiating all forms of active and passive corruption.

 In particular, all parties are aware that corruption in all its forms has significant negative economic, social and environmental impacts.

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