Galleria D’arte Moderna e Contemporanea del Canavese

Art Gallery
The Canavese Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, housed in the former Cuorgné factory, is dedicated to the Cuorgnese painter, journalist and caricaturist Carlin Bergoglio.

The Gallery, inaugurated in 2014, hosts a rich collection of paintings, caricatures and personal objects that belonged to the artist.
The approximately 200 works conserved in the Gallery tell of a sensitive artist, closely linked to the rural world and the Canavese territory, and extremely versatile in terms of expression. Walking through the exhibition structure, visitors will encounter works with different subjects: from scenes of everyday life to still lifes, from city or rural views to naturalistic landscapes and sports themes.

The Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea del Canavese also includes the Clizia Collection composed in collaboration with the Associazione Novecento. One hundred works by the great ceramist Clizia (born Mario Guani) were displayed in an impressive exhibition. This is the most important collection of works by the internationally renowned ceramist. The collection has a dual documentary value relating to both the contribution to knowledge of the artist and the definitive consignment to museification of one of the most assiduous and qualified visitors to the nearby Castellamonte Ceramics Exhibition.
Cuorgne Museo Arte Cesma(1).jpegCarlo Bergoglio Museo Arte Cesma.jpegClizia Museo Arte Cesma.jpeg
Via Ivrea, 100 - 10082, Cuorgnè


Weekly opening
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sabato e festivi aperto su prenotazione per gruppi.
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