- Museo del Viaggio in Movimento

Exhibition hall
A new museum is born in Torino: MuViMov!

More than 1 hour of multimedia experience with a new layout at the SASSI - SUPERGA stations.

Featuring 22 videos, 9 audios, 2 testimonials.

Download Tellingstones and discover the stories of MuViMov. MuViMov accompanies visitors, through the multimedia guide, to discover the historical and landscape heritage of the City of Torino on the Sassi - Superga tramway aboard the Dentiera.
Senza Titolo(6)Istruzioni Muvimov 1024x576(1)
Piazza Gustavo Modena, 6 - 10132, Torino


Full Ticket€ 3.00
Buy it by downloading the TellingStones app or directly at Spazio Sassi Superga!
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Exhibition hall
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