Spazio Culturale Cap10100

Multi-purpose hall
CAP10100 is a cultural centre that overlooks the river in the centre of Turin and hosts various realities that make it a multipurpose space. It is strongly active in the live performance sector, from music to theatre, as well as engaging in cultural production. CAP10100 is a place dedicated to citizenship, ranging from theatre, music, DJ sets, workshops, dance, festivals and debates.
Corso Moncalieri 18 - 10132, Torino


Espana Circo Este (1)
España Circo Este
Fragilità: bullismo e cyberbullismo
Ghnocci Shahak Shapira
Stand up comedy English. Shahak Shapira
Emma Club Tour 2025
Emma Club Tour 2025
Giulia Mei
Note riemerse | Special Guest Giulia Mei
Ghnocci Wary Nichen
Stand up comedy English. Wary Nichen
Gazebo Penguins
Gazebo Penguins
Ali Woods
Ghnocci. Ali Woods
Uffici del Turismo
Tourist Offices

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