Teatro Colosseo


The Teatro Colosseo, one of Torino's largest and best-loved theatres, is a landmark for art and entertainment. With over 1,500 seats and a rich and varied programme, it hosts theatre shows, concerts, dance, comedy and cultural encounters, offering experiences that excite and inspire.
Thanks to its modern and welcoming structure, the Colosseum welcomes nationally and internationally renowned artists, maintaining a strong connection with the audience and the territory.
More than a theatre, the Colosseo Theatre is a place to experience the magic of entertainment in all its forms.

Teatro Colosseo Np
Via Madama Cristina, 71 - 10125, Torino


Teatro Colosseo
Teatro Colosseo Stagione 2024/2025
Stefano Nazzi Teatro Colosseo
Stefano Nazzi. Indagini Live
Ambra Angiolini Oliva Denaro Laila Pozzo
Ambra Angiolini. Oliva Denaro
Marco Caselli Nirmal
Massimo Lopez & Tullio Solenghi. Dove eravamo rimasti
Ninna E Matti
Ninna e Matti. Super Tour
Fabio Concato
Fabio Concato
Gioele Dix
Gioele Dix. Ma per fortuna che c'era il Gaber
Le emozioni che abbiamo vissuto_Walter Veltroni_Gabriele Rossi_1 (1)
Walter Veltroni. Le emozioni che abbiamo vissuto
Andrea Morricone
Ermal Metajpg
Ermal Meta
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