Completely Safe Excursions



The routes indicated are considered safe under normal conditions but they are not monitored. Therefore, before starting out on any excursion, we recommend that you:
• evaluate in advance the choice of your itinerary by means of special topographic maps
• choose the itineraries based on your technical and physical abilities and on the equipment you have available
• contact the alpine guides and nature guides
• consult the weather reports and the free APPs
• do not set off on the excursion alone, or communicate the itinerary you intend to follow to a trusted person.
Also keep in mind that:
• the travel times indicated are average and indicative: they can vary considerably according to weather conditions and your abilities
• the variability of environmental conditions can determine a significant decrease in the level of safety: in the event of marked danger you are advised not to undertake any excursion.


• wear clothing and footwear suitable for the mountain environment
• always take water, sunscreen, a hat, protective sunglasses, a garbage bag and a container for cigarette butts with you
• always follow the marked trails so that you don’t disturb the natural environment, you don’t get disoriented and you don’t run the risk of accidents
• keep your distance and do not try to pet or approach shepherd dogs that are protecting flocks
• do not disturb the wildlife and do not pick flowers and plants
• always keep your dog on a leash
• do not throw waste into the environment, but rather take it with you, possibly collecting that left by others
• respect private properties and fenced-off areas

We decline all responsibility for any accidents that may occur while traveling along the itineraries.
Users transit along the routes at their own risk.

IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY CALL 112 indicating calmly and precisely:
• who you are
• what happened
• place of the accident
• when it happened
• how many people were involved and the presence of any possible Rescuers
• information regarding the morphology of the area and the weather conditions (useful for helicopter rescue)


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