Parco Naturale della Collina di Superga

The park is part of a system of hilly reliefs, whose morphological variety and position, halfway between the Alps and the sea, make the floral heritage rich and interesting, with microthermal species of alpine origin alternating with Mediterranean species.
The marginal area of the park is characterized by areas with intensive cultivation, while the landscape is dominated by the monumental complex of the Basilica of Superga, a masterpiece of Baroque architecture by Filippo Juvarra. The fauna is peculiar to the Turin hills and the Bosco del Vaj.
The Natural Park of the Collina di Superga extends for about 750 hectares in the municipalities of Baldissero Torinese, Pino Torinese, San Mauro Torinese and Turin.

Topographical map
Panorama 800
Non specificato - 10132, Baldissero Torinese


Collina Di Torino 2020.pdf

It houses

Basilica di Superga - Chiesa
Superga Basilica
Royal Residence
Basilica di Superga: Appartamento e Reali Tombe di Casa Savoia e Cupola
Sassi Superga
Tourist services
Cremagliera Tranvia da Sassi a Superga - GTT
Le Collinedi Superga 1
Riserva della Biosfera Collina Po
Uffici del Turismo
Tourist Offices

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