The church is all that remains of the Sessano village, situated on the rocky headland to the east of the country, perhaps abandoned following a landslide. The building (XI sec.) Is contemporary with other churches of the area with which it shares the characteristics of the bell tower (clocher-porche) at the center of the facade. The present church has a nave with three bays and an apse Added (south) the sacristy during the Baroque period. Outside the semicylindrical apse presents four pilasters that divide it into three fields, in which they emerge as many monofore; at the top they are aligned twelve o’clock niches with brick arches to view as well as the frame sawtooth surmounted by a roof of stone slabs. Inside the apse presents, precious frescoes of the XI century in the center of the basin Christ surrounded by the symbols of the four evangelists and under fourteen figures of the Apostles and saints.
Every Sunday
From 18/06/2023 to 24/09/20233:00 pm – 6:00 pm
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