Ciucarun - Campanile di San Martino di Paerno

The impressive bell tower stands lonely in the middle of the Serra d’Ivrea on the site of the village of Paerno. In 1250 he founded the fortified town of Ivrea Bollengo and enjoined the people of Pessano, Paerno and Bagnolo di andarvisi to establish. The village of Paerno declined rapidly and remained only the church and the bell tower: the first was demolished in 1731, leaving the second as the only witness of the past. The "Ciucarun", as the locals call it, rises to a height of six floors highlighted by five frames hanging arches that connect the angular pilasters; from the bottom upwards it presents the typical sequence of apertures: slits, single and double windows, all buffered except the last floor. At the base, on the west side, they are visible an arched opening, now walled, who was one of the entrances to the bell tower, and traces of the walls confirm the presence of the adjacent church.
CiucarunBollengo   Ciucarun Ridotto
Regione San Martino - 10012, Bollengo




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