Forum Democratico del Canavese, Associazione di Storia e Arte Canavesana and Associazione Mario Clemente are organising the commemoration of Francesco Ruffini Maestro di Libertà 90 years after his death.
Francesco Ruffini is one of our leading national figures of the last 150 years, alongside Massimo D'Azeglio, Costantino Nigra, Giuseppe Giacosa, Adriano Olivetti and Piero Martinetti.
A Cavourian liberal, jurist, senator, minister, closely linked to Croce and Albertini, he was involved in many crucial junctures of Italian events in the first decades of the 20th century. He was a leading figure in the opposition to nascent Fascism, a critic of the Lateran Pacts and opposed the oath imposed by the regime on university lecturers.
Precisely because of the importance of his political, scientific and cultural figure, the three associations organised a commemorative ceremony with the contribution of the Ruffini Foundation and
active involvement of the students of the last classes of the Liceo Classico Botta where Ruffini graduated.
The conference on Thursday, 6 February at 5 p.m. in Sala Santa Marta in Ivrea in fact aims not only to commemorate Francesco Ruffini, but also to keep his memory alive for the generations entering adult life.
Speakers at the ceremony will include Prof. Mario Dogliani, jurist at the University of Turin, Dr. Andrea Frangioni, historian and author of a recent biography, and Dr. Edoardo Pesce, university researcher in private law, a graduate of the Liceo Botta, like Ruffini in 1882.
The ceremonies will continue on Saturday 8 February at 10.30 a.m. in front of the Ruffini house in Borgofranco di Ivrea