Michelin Stars
At Alpine Winery we cook everything fresh! We don't even have a freezer and we are proud of it. Our dishes are prepared from quality raw material that comes directly from our garden or from small farms in the Valley. We try to minimize industrially derived products and prefer whole, living foods by using whole, stone-ground flours from ancient seeds. We make traditional recipes following current food visions to offer simple, tasty, authentic and healthy dishes.
Via Chabrieres 2 - Frazione Eclause, 10050 Salbertrand (TO)

45.0884041, 6.8952724

Type of Cuisine
Seasonal cuisine
Cuisine Km0
Pets Allowed
Credit Cards Accepted
Vegetarian Menu
Car park
Indoor covers : 54
Disabled Access
Entrance fully accessible, no barriers or accessible with assistance
Room(s) with possibility of access to wheelchairs and with accessible tables
Lavatory facilities accessible and usable by people with limited mobility
Eco Friendly Services
Water in a carafe
Offering customers their partly consumed bottles of wine to take home
On request from customers, provide containers/“doggy bags” for them to take home left-overs from the meal
Use reusable tableware (plates, glasses, cutlery, etc.)
Energy saving light bulbs
Use of at least 2 organic-certified products in the main menu
Use of local products (within 100km) chosen according to season
Open during the following holidays
31/12, 01/01, 25/04, 01/05, 15/08, Easter