A sparkling beginning of the year for Torino, the city of events. In fact, there is an immediate start with the FISU University Winter Game, which will be held from 13th to 23rd January 2025. More than 2,000 male and female athletes, from 57 different countries will compete nine winter sport disciplines both in Torino and in five mountain locations (Bardonecchia, Pinerolo, Pragelato, Sestriere, Torre Pellice). Inalpi Arena will host the Open Ceremony, Palavela will host the figure skating and short track competitions; and Palatazzoli will host the ice hockey tournaments. This incredible event will be followed by Frecciarossa Final Eight, from 12th to 16th February, 2025, at Inalpi Arena for its 3rd year in a row: the sportive event with the 8 best basket teams of Serie A UnipolSai 2024/25. Continuing with sports, after Tour de France and Giro d’Italia, the Vuelta of Spain will make its debut in Torino on August 23rd, 2025.
The congresses calendar, which is always filled with medical-scientific conferences, will have its hit a peak in May and June at Centro Congressi Lingotto with the 30° Congresso Nazionale FADOI, the Internal Medicine Scientific Society, will attract 1.200 delegates from 10th to 12th May, 2025; ENCALS Meeting, the International Neuroscience Congress which will bring together European Centres which are dealing with ALS, with 800 participants from 3rd to 6th June, 2025; the 43° Congresso Nazionale SIE - Società Italiana di Endocrinologia from 11th to 14th June, 2025 with 1.200 delegates. As well as September will be full of important congresses, including ESB- Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials from 7th to 11th September, 2025, at Centro Congressi Lingotto with more than thousand of the leading international exponents of biomaterials research; the Congresso Nazionale SIF - Società Italiana di Fisiologia at Centro di Biotecnologie Molecolari (MBC) from 17th to 19th September with over 400 partecipants and the 48° Congresso Nazionale AISD, the Italian Association about Study of Pain, from 25th to 27th September, 2025 at Centro Congressi Lingotto with 500 delegates.
Important appointment in October: from 5th to 7th October, 2025, Torino will host WSAT 3° World Summit on Accessible Tourism, the international meeting of Destinations for All (DfA) which aims to promote accessible tourism worldwide.
Unmissable CioccolaTò, from 27th February to 2nd March 2025, the exhibition dedicated to food of the Gods, Chocolate, in the city centre and the traditional exhibition of Salone Internazionale del Libro, from 15th to 19th May, 2025. One of the most prestigious fairs of the fullfilled calendar of Lingotto Fiere.
Last but not least, one of the most major event in 2025 is the World Championship of Magic, which will attract over 3,000 magicians from all over the world, it will be hosted from 14th to 19th July, 2025.