Parco Naturale del Lago di Candia

Natural Park
Surrounded by the morainic hills where the old villages. Surrounded by the morainic hills where the old villages of Candia Canavese, Vische and Mazzè stand, Lake of Candia is streaked with a thousand colours that change at the turn of the seasons. Let the song of the swamp birds and the scent of the flowering lily pads guide you as you discover one of the most important wetlands in Piemonte.
Lago Candia.(1)CandiaCandia Parco Cartina
Non specificato - 10010, Candia Canavese


Candia Guida Parco.pdf
Candia Depliant Parco.pdf
Cadia Parchi Itinerario Ciclabil E1.pdf


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It houses

Canot Candia
Rowing school
Canottieri Candia
Candia Parco Centro Visite
Visitor Centre
Centro Visitatori - Parco Naturale del Lago di Candia
Lago Candia
Equipped lake
Lago di Candia Canavese
Stabilimento Balneare
Lido - Spiaggia Balneabile
Uffici del Turismo
Tourist Offices

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