The FAN Village is a large indoor area that will offer fans an immersive and engaging experience of sport, entertainment and gastronomy. The Fan Village of the Nitto ATP Finals is the natural extension of the show staged inside the Inalpi Arena. It is welcoming, relaxing and fun. A space that is renewed every year.

During Nitto ATP Finals 2025 you will find:

● our Tourist Information Point #TurismoTorinoeProvincia, open every day, which will inform visitors about the initiatives organised in the city and entertain visitors with quiz games and distribution of gadgets.

● the Piedmont Region Stand, managed by Visit Piemonte and branded Piemonte Sport, which will offer immersive experiences on sport using technology and in particular virtual reality; participants will be given gadgets.

Inside the space, moreover, a maxi-screen will project in loop the videos of the great sport events realised on the regional territory.

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