GTT Gruppo Torinese Trasporti offers various ticket solutions for travelling with all GTT buses and trams on the network of Torino, including the underground. 

Tickets can be purchased from tobacconists and bars displaying the GTT logo, from vending machines in underground stations, via the TO Move app and with the new contactless card payment system at underground stations and on many city lines. 

Children under the age of 11 are entitled to free circulation on the entire GTT network. From 3 years of age they must have a personal Junior card.


For tourists and visitors, it is possible to purchase the Special Tour Ticket, a ticket that allows you to travel on trams, buses and the underground for 48 or 72 hours from the moment it is first validated. It can only be used by one person and must be validated each time you change means of transport.

Available for purchase at GTT ticket offices and metro station ticket machines at a cost of €9.50 for 48 hours or €12.50 72 hours.

Holders of the Torino+Piemonte card or the Royal Pass can obtain these tickets at a special rate at the Turin Tourist Office in Piazza Castello.


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