
Hero Cultura Pacchetti
Somewhere Tour Sacradisanmichele 12 Copia(1)
Tours and Activities

The magic of the Sacra di San Michele Tour

A "magical" excursion to discover the medieval Abbey that inspired Umberto Eco in the famous novel The Name of the Rose

from 06/04/2025 to 26/10/2025
La Toga Negata   Lidia Poet.jpeg
Tours and Activities

Lidia Poët tour

location tour of Lidia Poët (Netflix serie)

11 January 2025
Duomo Torino Vista
Tours and Activities

Route dei Santi Sociali

Il Triangolo della Carità I Venerabili coniugi Falletti di Barolo – S. Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo – S. Giuseppe Cafasso – S. Giovanni Bosco – Beato Francesco Faà di Bruno – S. Leonardo Murialdo – S. Giuseppe Marello – Beato Giuseppe Allamano – Beato

Via Francigena
Tours and Activities

Pellegrinaggio sulla Via Francigena - da Sant’Ambrogio a Chiusa San Michele

DAILY ITINERARY From Sant'Ambrogio to Chiusa San Michele

Sant'Ambrogio di Torino
Tours and Activities

Turin: Discover the Egyptian Museum Group Tour

Enjoy an amazing guided visit to the best leading attraction of Torino, the Egyptian Museum, skipping tle long lines with your guide and priority tickets

from 27/12/2024 to 27/12/2025
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Tours and Activities

Barriera Design District

Discovering post-industrial Torino, from the Docks Dora to EDIT

from 08/02/2025 to 27/12/2025
Via Francigena(1)
Tours and Activities

Pellegrinaggio sulla Via Francigena - Sui Passi di San Carlo Borromeo alla Sindone di Torino

Daily itinerary on the Steps of St Carlo Borromeo to the Shroud of Torino

Torino 1220403 1280
Tours and Activities

Caffè al Museo Egizio

Visit with a private guide to discover the treasures of one of the most important museums in Torino

Every Sunday
Somewhere Sotterranea Ii Dsc 1035 Low
Tours and Activities

Secret Undergrounds - La Consolata of Turin

Secret Undergrounds - La Consolata of Turin

from 19/01/2025 to 31/12/2025
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Tours and Activities

Turin: Night at Palazzo Madama

Turin: Night at Palazzo Madama

from 01/02/2025 to 31/12/2025
Uffici del Turismo
Tourist Offices

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