Food District Chierese and Carmagnolese


The first food district in the Piedmont Region was born in 2022: it is the Distretto del Cibo del Chierese e Carmagnolese that highlights typical agri-food products, promotes territorial development and safeguards the rural environment, stressing the connection between landscape and food.

Furthermore, the District aims to enhance the cultural, food and wine and landscape heritage of the agricultural areas and to promote their profitability, sustainability and sociability.

A distinctive element of the District is the wealth of quality products that allow a complete meal to be served with all its courses, from appetizers to desserts. This variety comes from a territory that makes the diversity of the landscape, supply chains, history and skills a factor of strength.

Finally, food districts generate economic growth and promote events, festivals and fairs organized by municipalities to strengthen local tourist attractiveness.

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