Torino and its province are the ideal travel destination for those who want to discover the history of Italian industry, admire unique architecture and immerse themselves in an atmosphere full of charm.A trip to Turin is an unforgettable experience for young and old.


Museo Nazionale Dell'Automobile - MAUTO

A must-see for car enthusiasts, the Museum was set up in 1932, on the left bank of the Po River, based on the idea of two pioneers of Italian motoring, Cesare Goria Gatti and Roberto Biscaretti di Ruffia. It was Roberto’s son Carlo who conceived the initia


Museo Ex Dinamitificio Nobel

Located inside a wood, it was built by Alfred Nobel in 1872 and represents a significant example of industrial archaeology. The ecomuseum is entirely set up inside the dynamite factory and catapults visitors into the dangerous world of explosives.

Open Air Museum

Maam - Museo a Cielo Aperto Dell'Architettura Moderna

The MaAM (Open-air museum of modern Olivetti architecture), always available for viewing, it can be toured independently along a 2km route that runs along Via Jervis and in the adjacent areas. Here there are Olivett’s most representative buildings: buil


Laboratorio Museo Tecnologicamente

It is at the same time a museum and a lab: a museum which tells part of the industrial history of our country, highlighting the Olivetti manufacture and culture; a lab which is primarily addressed to schools and the new generations, in order to stimulate

Mappa Sito Unesco
Open Air Museum

Ivrea Città Industriale del Xx Secolo - Sito Unesco

The Industrial City of Ivrea was built in the years between 1930 and 1960, out of the desire of Adriano Olivetti and according to a design that was meant to be an alternative to national and international experiences carried out during the XXthcentury.

D 012
Exhibition hall

Stellantis Heritage Hub

Heritage HUB è una sede di lavoro, di servizi e di formazione, ma soprattutto la casa della collezione aziendale di auto d’epoca. Heritage Hub ha sede nei locali dell’ex Officina 81 di Via Plava a Torino - uno degli storici impianti di produzione meccanic

Archivio Olivetti Logo

Associazione Archivio Storico Olivetti

It carries out collection, reorganisation, preservation, study and dissemination activities of the huge archive collection concerning the Olivetti Company and Family members. SAFETY RULES: Entrance will be limited by quotas and allowed onlt to those equip


Ecomuseo delle Miniere e della Valle Germanasca

Located approximately 70 km north-west of Turin, it allows visitors to experience enthusiastic moments of discovery. The presence of the two “Paola” and “Gianna” mines, with over 4 km of equipped tunnels, has enabled the creation of two itineraries: SCOP

Cover Museo Rai

Museo della Radio e della Televisione

The Rai Radio and Television Museum is a space designed to experience the emotions of the history of communication, in an atmosphere reminiscent of the magic of television. From the On Air Museum, the 9th TV studio of the Rai Production Centre in Turin, i

01 Reception[1]

Museo del Risparmio

This is an innovative project whose aim is to broaden knowledge and improve understanding in matters of savings, economy and finance. It is set up as an interactive itinerary through thematic areas and its objective is to intrigue and raise everyone’s int

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