Riserva Naturale le Vallere

Urban Park
The Vallere is an equipped area inside the Nature Reserve. It covers an area of 130 hectares and is located where the Sangone stream merges with the Po river, in the municipal areas of Moncalieri and, to a lesser extent, of Turin.
The vast area, with clearings and groves, is accessible to the public. In the Le Vallere Reserve there is also a play area for children, two enclosed spaces where it is possible to free dogs, rest areas covered in vegetation, a botanical-phenological garden and docking for ferries that travel along the Po.
In the area there are also some cycle lanes and horse trails. Inside the reserve there is also a large eighteenth-century farmhouse (Cascina Le Vallere) which is a beautiful example of peasant architecture of ancient origin.

Le Vie Verdi Urban trekking and surroundings

Inside the Vallere the bicycle rental service and the dog walking area are open:
The bicycle rental service is active on Saturdays, Sundays and on public holidays (until October 31), from 10.00am to 1.00pm and from 2.00pm to 6.00pm.
Bike rental costs: from 2 euros for one hour to 10 euros for the whole day; between these two rates different prices apply with reductions for children under 12 and adults over 65. Tandem bicycles are also available.
Information for bike rental:
FacebookRent Bike Vallere https://www.facebook.com/rentbikelevallere/
and Instragram https://www.instagram.com/rent_bike_le_vallere/

Moncalieri Castello
Corso Trieste 98 - 10024, Moncalieri

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Ente Parco
Ente di Gestione delle Aree Protette del Po e della Collina Torinese


Bike Esperience
Bike Experience 2025. Fiera del cicloturismo in Piemonte
Bromscape 1(2)
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