A historical itinerary, the main route where in the past  thousands of faithful from Europe went on a pilgrimage to Rome, the heart of Christianity.

Nowadays, the Francigena routes in Piedmont are suggestive paths of faith but also routes suitable for everybody where to enjoy appetizing tastings.

The Via Francigena in Piedmont

Lago Di Cascinette E La Serra
Via Francigena
Via Francigena Morenico-Canavesana
Sacra San Michele
Via Francigena
Via Francigena Valle di Susa
Via Francigena(1)
Via Francigena
Via Francigena Torino - Vercelli
Ciclovia Francigena
Via Francigena
Ciclovia Francigena della Valle di Susa
Via Francigena for All
Via Francigena
Via Francigena For All

The Via Francigena

The Via Francigena is a journey through history, a main route that was once traveled by thousands of faithful pilgrims from all over Europe on their way to Rome, the heart of Christianity.
Today, the Francigena routes in Piedmont are evocative paths of faith, but also routes suitable for everyone and excellent excuses for tempting tastings. They connect the Alpine passes of the Great St. Bernard, the Mont Cenis and the Monginevro with the Canavese and the Susa Valley, up to Torino and Vercelli.
These itineraries are perfect for hikers but also for families and slow tourists, offering unmissable opportunities to discover territories rich in historical and artistic testimonies such as the Sacra di San Michele, of incredible natural beauty such as the Morainic Amphitheater of Ivrea, but also of excellent food and wine.
Moreover, the Via Francigena is connected to the Way of St. James of Compostela through the Via Alta, one of the Great European Cultural Routes

25082024 Via Francigena Ivrea Bollengo 034
Nature & Sport
Welcome Tour® Via Francigena for All - Canavese
Foto Welcome Tour Via Francigena for All   Sfondo Sacra Di San Michele
Nature & Sport
Welcome Tour® Via Francigena for All - Val di Susa
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