The Torino Olympic Winter Games in 2006 were very successful, in terms of organizational efficiency and media coverage. In addition, the event was a fantastic opportunity to transform and upgrade within the city as well to develop new structures: the Olympic venues.

Once they were competition facilities and stage of great emotions now they are multi-purpose sites suitable for hosting conventions, congresses, fairs, exhibitions and big events.

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Inalpi Arena

The new Inalpi Arena in Turin was built in 2005 by architects Arata Isozaki e Pier Paolo Maggiora to host the ice hockey competition during the 2006 Turin Winter Olympics. Designed as a “factory of events” (citing Isozaki itself), the flexible structure f...

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Oval Lingotto

Oval Lingotto was the centre of attention during the 2006 Olympic Winter Games as the venue where the Italian athletes won the gold medals in speed skating. Post-Olympics: the building is being used for fairs and exhibitions, while maintaining the option ...

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