Chivasso is a welcoming and dynamic city, full of events and with a rich cultural offer. The city has ancient origins and until 1435 it was the capital of the Marquisate of Monferrato under the dynasties of the Aleramici and the Paleologi, then it passed under the rule of the Savoy and was distinguished by the heroic resistance against the French troops during the siege of 1705.

It hosted great painters such as Defendente Ferrari and Giovanni Martino Spanzotti in the sixteenth century, Demetrio Cosola in the nineteenth century, an important printer Jacopo Suigo published in 1486 the Angelic Summa of Blessed Angelo Carletti, important religious, literary and humanist born in Chivasso. In the historic center, characterized by medieval arcades, stand out the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta of 1415 with its precious brick facade of late Gothic style and the octagonal Tower, remnant of the powerful castle built in the twelfth century by the Marquises of Monferrato. The Cavour Canal (1863-1866) branches off from the Po river and extends for 80 km to Ticino for the irrigation of rice fields and is the third in Italy for its length. Specialties of the Canavese tradition are the famous and delicious Nocciolini, tiny cakes made with hazelnuts Piedmont, sugar and egg white.

I Verde Ridimensionata(18)
Tourist Information Centre
Chivasso - Sportello Turistico C/O Biblioteca Movimente
Canale Cavour Chivasso
Canale Cavour e Edificio della Presa delle Acque
Duomo Chivasso
Duomo Collegiata di Santa Maria Assunta di Chivasso
Nocciolini Chivasso
Nocciolini di Chivasso
Chivasso Santa Mariadegli Angeli.jpeg
Chiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli
Chivasso Palazzo Santa Chiara Frontale
Palazzo Santa Chiara
Chivasso Lapis Longus
Archaeological Site
“Lapis Longus” Di Chivasso
Uffici del Turismo
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